FAQs concerning at the Language Centre

  • Are there any bonuses or discounts on enrolment fees?

There are two types of discounts available exclusively for the official UCLM level tests:
1. Those aimed at students of the "Aprende Lenguas" courses: If you wish to obtain a 50% discount on the official level test as a student of the Aprende Lenguas courses during the active academic year, you must select this discount when registering.
2. And those for undergraduate students actively enrolled at UCLM who are taking their first B1 level exam in English, French, German, Italian or Japanese. If they meet the aforementioned conditions, they will be able to select the full 100% discount, the resolution of which is the responsibility of the Vice-Rector for Internationalisation.

  • Does the price of the "Learn Languages" programme include registration for exams or level tests?

Yes, but only for levels A1 and A2. For all other levels, registration must be done separately from the courses.

  • Are the online classes recorded so that I can watch them if I am unable to attend for any reason?

The decision depends on the teacher. Recording is not compulsory, and some teachers prefer not to record the sessions.
In any case, if you are unable to attend for justified reasons, you can contact the teacher directly, who should in principle provide you with the information you are missing or try to facilitate the task given.

  • Can I get a certificate of the course or level test taken?
    Yes, you can obtain an electronic certificate of the official UCLM courses or level tests (level B1 or higher).

To download the electronic certificates of the courses you must enter the following link https://www.sede.uclm.es/web/guest/catalogo-de-servicios , logging in with your username and password, or using your official electronic certificate.

- If they are diplomas of UCLM's own courses, seminars, conferences and workshops, the data required by the application will be filled in.
- Other diplomas, such as those corresponding to the DELF-DALF, TOEIC or SIELE exams, are issued by the respective accrediting bodies and cannot be downloaded from the UCLM website.


  • How to request a refund of a tuition fee already paid?
    A refund of a registration fee already paid can only be authorised if it is in one of the following cases:
    o That the cancellation of the registration is motivated by causes attributable to the university (cancellation of a course or test, for example);
    o Total or partial refund due to an error in the fees paid, depending on the activity enrolled for;
    o That the cancellation of the enrolment has been caused by an exceptional reason, properly JUSTIFIED and that the refund does not involve a deficit in the budget for the activity (proof must be provided). In this case, the refund will be subject to a 20% discount for administration costs;
    o If the refund is due to an unjustified reason, provided that all places have been filled and the vacant place has been filled (documentary justification is required). In this case, the refund will also entail a 20% discount for administration costs.


  • Is the accreditation of the B1 language level automatically included in my UCLM academic transcript once I have passed the level test?
    No. You must download the certificate of proficiency from the UCLM website and present it to the Student Management Unit of your campus (UGAC) for it to be added to your academic transcript.

Complementary information:
For more information, you can find the language courses offered by the Aprende Lenguas UCLM Programme at the following link: https://www.uclm.es/misiones/internacional/inmersion_linguistica/centro-de-lenguas/convocatorias 


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