Registration of a new account

The entire university community, citizens, companies and collaborating entities of the University of Castilla-La Mancha need an account to make use of the ICT Services of the UCLM.
When you see a screen like the one below, you need to identify yourself and authenticate with an account. 

Remember that even if you have a digital certificate, it is always necessary to have an account that uniquely identifies you in our services.

If you do not have an account, you can register a new account at Account Registration.

Follow the instructions on the page to register. If you already have an account, the system will tell you that you already have one.

At the end of the process, you will receive an email (*) with instructions on how to complete the registration process.

If you don't remember your account, you can check it in Check Account.


(*) If you don't receive the email, check your "Other emails" folder or similar folders to see if your email manager has sorted it into those folders.

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